Fence Kit Quantity Guide - CR Fence & Rail

Fence Kit Quantity Guide

Fence Kit Quantity Guide

All included parts in the Fence Kit
The first kit is the base. Alone, it doesn’t do much.

Each Fence Kit comes with the following:

  • 4x Fence Channel
  • 2x Plain Post
  • Screws, parts and tools to install fence post to ground and attach fence channels to posts

By itself, it is enough to install only one (1) section. In this setup, two (2) of the included Fence Channels are optional and serve as extras.

Fence Kit spans up to two sections when attached to wall
One kit provides twice the coverage when connected to an existing post.

If you are terminating your fence to a wood or concrete post or a wall, then one (1) kit will be able to cover two (2) sections.

This scenario requires you to attach one of the fence channels included in the kit to the wall.

Each additional fence kit lets you build 2 sections in addition to the base kit
Each succeeding kit allows you to install two more sections.

If you do NOT have another post with structural integrity, you will need to purchase additional kits to install more than one section.

Each additional kit allows you to have two (2) more sections. And because your first kit was used as a base, you will always have extra fence channels to use for emergencies.

Depending on your layout (how many turns, if any), the number of extra fence channels will vary. However, in this example, after your second kit, you will have two (2) unused fence channels.